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Location Alarm 6.5

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Location alarm -6.5

A must for frequent travellers !!!

new --schedule maker
*bugs fixed
Make multiple location alarm in a single journey

* Add a known Location
* save location
* view code
* delete location

A location is a code('cell id') saved with a 'name' to recognize the place.You can add locations to your journey to alert you while reaching that place


* create journey
* save journey
* delete journey

creating a jurney has 3 steps
1-adding locations to your journey,add location so that you will get notified when you pass the location
2-select the notification locations will be notified graphically and with an alarm(sound,vibration& snooze option),you can determine which all location you want to get notified with an alarm.
3-save the journey for later loading

journey analysis

1. time analysis
2. distance analysis

time analysis -allow you to compare any two locations you passed in the last journey.
graphical analysis is available for better interpretation

distance analysis need to input either average speed of vehicle
2 A known distance between any two places(total journey distance or any known)
then you can compare distance between any two locations in the journey.
Send your location.- sms your location to any number

you can download the alarm module here(not needed for 6600 etc)

platform:s60 v2
python fos s60 needed
tested on 6600

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