If you need a convenient and whole functional File Manager, then try FileMan and you will not be disappointed in your choice.
What's new in FileMan 1.03:
Keyboard layout updated for Nokia 3230/6680;
General functions:
Copy - copy selected file(s) or/and folder(s) to buffer for future "Paste" operation;
Cut - cut selected file(s) or/and folder(s) to buffer for future "Paste" operation;
Paste - paste copied or cuted file(s) or/and folder(s);
Rename - rename file or folder;
Properties - show detailed information about files(s) or/and folder(s) or disk etc;
New folder - create new folder;
Delete (hot key: (C) ) - delete all selected file(s) or/and folder(s);
Set Attr - sets file(s) or/and folder(s) attributes, allow recursive operation that processes all files in subfolders;
Add shortcut - assign folder shortcut. With this feature you can navigate fast in the FileMan. e.g. If you assign shortcut to "Shortcut 'Abc+1'" you can press Abc(Pen)+1 to open this folder;
Add to pinbaord;
Mailbox filter;
Infrared On;
Full screen mode;
Use mime recognizer to retrieve file icon;
Show/hide system folder;
Show/hide rom drives;
Custom right button acction;
Keyboard layout for different series 60 devices;
Tested & Working on 6630!
In the "About" section it says "version 1.02", but I believe this is really version 1.03 because in this one u can explore files and folders just using the joystick!
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