Latest leaked version of UCWEB 7.2 beta 2.
Support flash games. Its true! You can now play flash games with your favorite UCWeb.
-English Translated by me vipin4u-

1. Increase game support, including
a. happy network ( buying a house: garden and
pastures, fun restaurants, fishing, virtual friends, smoking
b. All network ( Happy Farm, sun
ranch, all restaurants, happy farmers (Everyone), glory of the hospital
c.qq space, qq Alumni ( qq farm, qq Ranch
2. increased Help menu
3. Canceled UC's right to return the menu to reduce the misuse
4. Further reduce of the flow,and speed
Known issues:
1.From Happy network, to buy a house of gardens and pastures, not directly in the flash switch, temporarily switch the page.
3. In happy network access to a black screen may appear when FLASH game, lasted about 2-5 seconds can still be entered.
1. Increase game support, including
a. happy network ( buying a house: garden and
pastures, fun restaurants, fishing, virtual friends, smoking
b. All network ( Happy Farm, sun
ranch, all restaurants, happy farmers (Everyone), glory of the hospital
c.qq space, qq Alumni ( qq farm, qq Ranch
2. increased Help menu
3. Canceled UC's right to return the menu to reduce the misuse
4. Further reduce of the flow,and speed
Known issues:
1.From Happy network, to buy a house of gardens and pastures, not directly in the flash switch, temporarily switch the page.
3. In happy network access to a black screen may appear when FLASH game, lasted about 2-5 seconds can still be entered.