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Hello OX 1.3

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1. Install the signerapplication to your mobile. For those who can’t get the signer to install on your phone, use the method of signing HelloX that I’ve given below.
2. Sign the HelloX.sis file using the signer with your developer certificate. For this, certificate(the one youdownload from SymbianSigned) and key file (pub1.key, or whichever you used to make the certificate) must be on the phone.
3. Install it. When the phone says that the application is for development purposes only, select Yes, and HelloX will be installed.
4. Now go to the applications folder, and run HelloX.
5. After doing some things, it’ll ask whether you want to install ROMPatcher. Select Yes.
6. Next, it’ll ask whether you want to install MODO. MODO is just a file explorer program which shows you all the system files. Its installation is up to you.
7. In the end, HelloX will close itself.
8. Now, transfer the installserver file (.rmp, inside the file) to the patches folder on your memory card.
9. Open ROMPatcher from your applications folder. You’ll see the Installserver name in the list that opens up. Move to it, select Options, go to Patch, and click on Enable. Then again go to Patch, and click on Add to Auto.
10. Now you can install any unsigned application on your phone. If some applications do not install, sign them with the Leftup certificate (in the file). They can then be installed…
11. Also, ROMPatcher doesn’t seem to work on all phones. So those who can’t get it to run will need to always sign the applications they want to install with the Leftupcertificate and key file included in the file.

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